Back in January 2015, a small group of colleagues in Telos Partners got together and said that we needed to revisit Reflections and Challenges. At that point in time it all looked so simple and straightforward. We would put together a small set of questions, we would reach out to some of our most senior clients globally, have a discussion, and lo and behold it would turn into a book. If only things were as straightforward as that.
So here we are a year and a half on; we are not sure we would have carried through with our efforts had we realised the journey we were on. As the expression goes, even the longest journey starts with a single step.
Over the course of the last year we have had a tremendous amount of help and support. We would not have reached our current point without Debbie Sallis, Jane Kershaw and Helen Walker who helped with making sense of the interviews and providing an editing head. They had the patience to encourage, co-ordinate, write, cajole and, where needed, to nag us – thank you. We want to thank our interviewees for giving up their time and for their
willingness to share their thoughts and views so freely. Then there are our colleagues who helped with the interviews and provided us with their thoughts and suggestions. Special mention needs to go to Peter Ward for his enthusiasm and ideas. Lastly no acknowledgement would be complete without thanking our families and partners who gave us the space to make this happen.
In the end you the reader will decide if our endeavours were worthwhile. For our part we learnt a lot, we had conversations with fascinating people, and we believe what we have put together are some important thoughts on how organisations can continue to
achieve sustainable success, benefitting their customers, people, partners and communities.
Let us conclude by quoting Einstein:
“The life of the individual has meaning only insofar as it aids in making the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are subordinate”.
From “Is there a Jewish Point of View?” August 3, 1932.