Jan 21, 20212 min readSeven elements of sustainable successWhat if every business performed optimally? Their customers loved products and services as offered. Orders were delivered on time, every...
Jan 19, 20211 min readCulture as a competitive differentiatorSince the financial crisis broke in 2008 it has not been hard to find articles pointing the finger of blame at ‘corporate culture’ in the...
Jan 19, 20211 min readThe art of successionLeadership succession is fundamental to the ongoing success of an organisation and, while applying to all leadership positions, it is...
Jan 19, 20211 min readMaking innovation part of your organisational DNAFor organisations to create sustainable success, in an ever changing and dynamic world, they constantly need to find new ways to adapt,...
Jan 19, 20212 min readReflections and challenges 2017Back in January 2015, a small group of colleagues in Telos Partners got together and said that we needed to revisit Reflections and...
Jan 19, 20211 min readNot another bloody conference!An invite to join the World Conference working party to make the next year’s global event, the best ever! Each time the boss had said...
Jan 19, 20212 min readThe CEO journeyThe Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has ultimate responsibility for the success of their organisation, and despite having one official...
Jan 19, 20211 min readGetting the board to workScrutiny of boards and their performance has never been more intense. This scrutiny has intensified in response to the financial crisis...
Jan 19, 20211 min readAccelerating talent success for millennials and beyond…Employers find themselves facing a complex conundrum. They can no longer afford to offer employees the types of benefits they once did,...