Effecting sustained behavioural change
Using a viral change approach helps a senior management achieve sustainable culture change, delivering above budget results four years in a row
"Over four consecutive years the firm has beaten budget and achieved its numbers and targets. New products and opportunities for growth have multiplied."
Our client knew it had to change and had identified their objectives. However it needed to avoid a solution driven, problem solving approach to achieve the desired long-term behavioural change for sustained success.
How did we help?
The core behaviours needed to effect the desired change were identified and defined with the Senior Management Team. Then a Viral Change approach was implemented through a network of Change Champions; informal leaders within the organisation who would exemplify the new behaviours. This network was initiated in the aims of the approach and supported through regular reviews. At each review a new behaviour was introduced, on which the team would focus whilst continuing to practice and reinforce the previous one(s) until the next review. Between reviews Champions worked continually with their individual networks to highlight achievements and identify barriers to success. Champions also supported each other and communicated through their private intranet.
In parallel the SMT were supported while they became comfortable with the concept of informal leadership, relinquishing control and begin collaborating. They also measured engagement levels regularly whilst actively and consistently promoted positive achievement throughout the firm.
What were the outcomes?
Over four consecutive years the firm has beaten budget and achieved its numbers and targets. New products and opportunities for growth have multiplied. The SMT have maintained the continual reinforcement of the new behaviours through stories, awards and other initiatives. The company is now perceived externally as offering a recognised career path and attracts an increased number of quality applicants.
Hard components
Numbers achieved and budgets beaten for four consecutive years
Opportunities for growth multiplied
Engagement levels measured regularly
Tangible evidence of practical business achievement
Soft components
Behaviours for a winning culture identified and embedded throughout the organisation
Exemplars of collaboration at every level
Company is perceived as a great place to work
Massive increase in quality people